Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy May Day!

How have you spent your May Day?

I celebrated by officially becoming Californian. My new license picture looks like a mug shot. Unlike in Minnesota, they don't say, "Smile!" here, and I am left looking perpetually sullen. Or stoned.

(Don't worry, I wasn't stoned.)

Did you know I had to take a written exam? I studied. Still, I got one wrong. It will be forever etched into my brain that, in a business district, it is only legal to perform U-Turns in an intersection where no sign prohibits them.

My favorite part of the day was when, after getting my test graded, the guy who graded my test handed it back to me and said, "Just give this to that guy over there," where over there was literally one foot away. And the guy who graded my test was closer to that guy over there than I was.

Your tax dollars at work.

And if not yours, then mine.

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